Current Suppliers

Ovintiv service providers and suppliers (suppliers) are an important part of our operations. Suppliers contribute to our success by providing equipment, supplies and/or services necessary to run our operations. We value the working relationship we have with our suppliers.

Environment, Health and Safety

Safety is a core value at Ovintiv.

We prioritize the safety of our employees and suppliers. By working together, we can achieve our shared goal of developing a premier safety culture where:

  • Our safety philosophy extends to our personal lives and activities.
  • Everyone watches out for one another.
  • People are expected to speak up if they see unsafe practices occurring.
  • People are encouraged to contribute ideas and improvements.
  • Safety is engaged at all levels of the organization.

Expectations and Practices

As a partner in our success, we expect our suppliers to have the same level of commitment to safety as we do. We expect our suppliers will ensure their company’s work is performed in a safe, responsible manner consistent with Ovintiv standards and practices. Suppliers are expected to incorporate Ovintiv’s requirements into their environment, health and safety management system prior to commencing work.

Ovintiv’s Policies and Practices



Service Provider Expectations Manual – English Download
Service Provider Expectations Manual – Spanish Download
Alcohol & Drug Policy Download
Alcohol & Drug Practice Download Download
Bonding and Grounding for the Prevention of Fire and Explosion Hazards Download
Cell Phone/Portable Electronic Device Protocol Download
Fitness for Work Practice Download
Ground Disturbance Protocol for Service Providers Download
Respectful Workplace Practice Download
Supplier Code of Conduct Download

Contact the Integrity Hotline

We encourage you to contact our integrity hotline to report concerns or potential violations. You can choose to report anonymously; we will make every effort to keep  the identity of anyone reporting a violation confidential.

By Phone

Available from anywhere in North America, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Integrity Hotline


Integrity Hotline
c/o Ovintiv Inc.
500 Centre Street SE
P.O. Box 2850
Calgary, AB T2P 2S5

Notice to vendors, contractors and consultants

Encana and Newfield name changes

As part of our new branding to Ovintiv, Encana and Newfield companies have changed their names as follows:

Old Legal Name
New Legal Name
Encana Corporation Ovintiv Canada ULC
Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc Ovintiv USA Inc.
Encana Marketing (USA) Inc. Ovintiv Marketing Inc.
Encana Services Company Ltd. Ovintiv Services Inc.
Newfield Exploration Company Ovintiv Exploration Inc.
Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent Inc. Ovintiv Mid-Continent Inc.
Newfield Production Company Ovintiv Production Inc.
Newfield RMI LLC Ovintiv RMI LLC

The name changes will have no impact on our commercial relations with you.

Due to these name changes, agreements with any of the above Encana or Newfield entities, are now agreements with these entities with their new Ovintiv legal name. The new Ovintiv legal names should be used for the purposes of providing correspondence, invoices and notices pursuant to such agreements.

We would be grateful if you could please update your records and systems with our new names.


Effectively managing safety on our worksites also requires strong data management. To ensure our suppliers meet our expectations, we use ISNetworld and other systems to prequalify suppliers and manage safety data. As a general rule, all suppliers performing field work must subscribe to ISNetworld and maintain a passing grade to be eligible to work at our sites.

Questions? Contact ISNetworld technical support: 800.976.1303

Safety Data Sheets

Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Canada)

Some of the products Ovintiv produces or utilizes in our operations may be classified as “dangerous goods” for purposes of transportation. Trucking these products requires adherence to Transport Canada’s regulations for the transportation of dangerous goods. Transporting dangerous goods requires Ovintiv, the consignor, to communicate certain information to our carriers. This table is intended for the communication of permits (container exemptions) and providing updates for suppliers hauling our products.


SH 5561 (Ren. 12) To haul mixed oilfield waste in vac trucks
SU 5567 (Ren. 11) To haul a dirty tank instead of cleaning it on site
SU 12999 (Ren. 2) To haul doghouse/tool room with dangerous goods
SU 13441 Prover trucks residual fluid

Ovintiv Specific Shipping Document
Federal Waste Form
BC Waste Form
AB Waste Form
Waste Coordinator – FAQ

Contracts and Agreements

We require suppliers working for us enter some type of an agreement with Ovintiv. These agreements include terms and conditions governing the relationship between Ovintiv and those doing business with us. Please note that having an agreement with Ovintiv does not guarantee work.



Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find answers to questions we get asked the most about when it comes to our tools and programs for suppliers.

ISN Account

Do I get any other benefits with my subscription?

A complete list of benefits can be found at

Why does the supplier have to pay a subscription fee and how much is the fee?

Ovintiv shares the cost of demonstrating safety prequalification status with its subscribed suppliers. One fee allows your company to be connected to an unlimited number of clients. The fee is nominal and the rate sheet can be found at

How do I contact ISN?

ISN can be contacted by phone at 800.976.1303 or by email at 

What are Ovintiv’s ISNetworld requirements?

For information on Ovintiv’s requirements, contact ISN at 800.976.1303 or at

How does prequalification help improve safety at Ovintiv?

Prequalification tools support communication between owner clients/operators and suppliers, which is key to maintaining strong, respectful working relationships, injury-free worksites and business continuity. Prequalification ensure basic requirements are maintained by everyone on our sites before the work begins. Prequalification helps all of us feel confident in the integrity of our worksites. These tools are common in the oil and gas industry in North America, with hundreds of owner clients/operators and tens of thousands of supplier companies using them to manage their record-keeping needs, reduce internal administration costs and improve reporting.

ISN Score

How is my company scored?

Ovintiv uses a blend of weighted criteria, including, but not limited to, the MSQ, RAVs, evaluations, etc. For questions regarding your score, contact A “PASS” dashboard grade is the minimum requirement.

My dashboard grade has fallen to “FAIL”, what do I do?

Details on your dashboard grade are found on your ISN Account. Please review the “Message Center” on your account for more information. Further questions regarding your score, may be directed to A “PASS” dashboard grade is the minimum requirement.

Some of the written safety programs on the scorecard do not apply to me or my company. Can I request an exemption?

No. We do not provide exemptions from written program requirements. It is the supplier’s responsibility to make this determination and provide adequate documentation as to why a written program does not apply. This documentation must be made available upon request. Suppliers who choose not to provide written programs to required sections may have their score impacted. Further information is found in Ovintiv’s Service Provider Expectations Manual.

Ovintiv Orientations and Training

What are Ovintiv’s training and orientation requirements?

For a complete list of required training, refer to Ovintiv’s Service Provider Expectations Manual.

Is there an Ovintiv required General Safety Orientation and how do I sign up for it?

Yes. In Canada, the Common Safety Orientation is required and available through Energy Safety Canada and can be taken here. The General Safety Orientation for Service Providers is no longer available in ISN in Canada. GSOSP in Canada will be grandfathered and accepted on site. In the U.S., the Ovintiv General Safety Orientation for Service Providers is available in your ISN account and must be assigned to workers by your ISN administrator. Workers are encouraged to print or retain a photo of the completion certificate and provide proof of completion at the worksite. For assistance, please contact ISN at Detailed instructions for assigning orientations to workers can be found on the Ovintiv ISN Bulletin Board.

I previously took Ovintiv’s general safety orientation. Do I have to retake the general safety orientation each year?

No. The only time the safety orientation must be retaken is if there’s a material change to the content.

Why does Ovintiv use the Common Safety Orientation in Canada?

Ovintiv’s use of the Common Safety Orientation in Canada reduces the number of times a worker must take an orientation required by Canadian owner clients/operators. It also provides consistency in the content delivered to workers.

Is there a cost to take Ovintiv’s General Safety Orientation in the U.S.?

There is no additional cost. The General Safety Orientation in the U.S. is a service included with your ISNetworld subscription.

Do I need to take Ovintiv’s Ground Disturbance Orientation?

Ground Disturbance Orientation is assigned to you based on questions in the Safety Culture Questionnaire on your ISN dashboard for Ovintiv. Generally, all workers conducting Ground Disturbance on behalf of Ovintiv are required to complete the Ground Disturbance Orientation delivered through ISN. Your ISN administrator assigns the orientation to workers.

How are Ovintiv’s orientations accessible to subcontractors?

Ovintiv orientations are only available to Ovintiv’s supplier companies who have an ISN account and are working directly for Ovintiv. Ovintiv orientations are accessible to Ovintiv suppliers who assign the orientations to their workers (or subcontractor workers) through email (via the ISN administrator).

U.S. Drug and Alcohol Programs

For U.S. drug and alcohol programs, do I have other options if I don’t want to enroll with DISA?

Ovintiv requires all service providers to use DISA as their third-party administrator to fulfill Ovintiv specific drug testing requirements, they can be reached at or 281-673-2530.

My U.S. drug and alcohol program is currently being audited and monitored by TPS Alert for another operator. Do I still need a program audit for Ovintiv?

No, Ovintiv requires all service providers to use DISA as their third-party administrator to fulfill Ovintiv specific drug testing requirements, they can be reached at or 281-673-2530.

Agreements and Contracts

How do I obtain a master agreement with Ovintiv?

You must have an Ovintiv sponsor. In other words, an Ovintiv manager/representative must have a need for your services. Should a need be identified by an Ovintiv manager/representative, it is up to that person to initiate the onboarding process.

I haven’t worked for Ovintiv in several years, is my master agreement still valid?

Yes. Most Ovintiv agreements do not expire. However, the master agreement may need to be amended depending if your services, GST/Tax ID or work risk has changed.

I’m having trouble getting my account set up in Open Invoice.  Who do I contact?


Billing and Payments

I have a question about the payment of an Ovintiv invoice.  Who do I contact?

For any questions about using OpenInvoice with Ovintiv, please contact:

If you need help with your OpenInvoice login credentials, please contact Oildex support at